Due to the special circumstances and challenges of the 2019-2022 Covid Pandemic, and the devastating Super Typhoon Odette, the original term of office of the 2019-2021 Board of Trustees was extended up to December 0f 2022 as approved by the General Membership. With the same circumstances, the Annual General Assembly could only be called for in July 2022; and the Election of the new Board of Trustees for the ensuing years 2022-2024, was set to be held online and face to face.
The Committee of Elections was formed with Ms. Magelle Labrador and Marites Dulin, TMI Members not running for office, conducted the nomination and election processes participated in by the general membership across geographical locations in the Philippines and abroad. Voting took place on line for a week and during the Annual General Assembly using paper ballots. Results were tabulated and confirmed by the Committee on Elections.
The Board of Trustees
Gina V. Dimaampao Leonora M. Douglas
Felicia Carvajal Jessnar C. Mosende
Magnita Labrador Ma. Rodena Madria
Jesus Roland Gatpolintan Peter Sy
Leticia Mosende Grace Relliquete
Mark Mosca Edgar Reyes
Marylou Fulgado Cecile Dumdum
Alfred Villapane, Jr.
Tentative plans are slated this coming November for the Election of the Officers of TMI 2023-2024. The TMI By-laws stipulates that the officers will be chosen by and from the fifteen elected Board of Trustees.