As the summer season rolls out TMI recommences its "Project Pa-Atup para sa Mainitnon" program to aid with the still numbersome victims of the Super typhoon Odette. This time providing 75 households with roofing G.I. Sheets and building supplies, and delivering them onsite to the communities of Marayag, Barangay Magsaysay-purok Daisy, Barangay Bobonaon and the IP community.
As the journey to restore the town continues, TMI along with its recipients move hand in hand to distribute Roofing sheets to one another. Even braving the rain and the blistering heat just to make sure that help is given where its needed the most.
TMI along with its donors continue to share light to those who have been affected by the Super Typhoon. Showing time and time again na pag ang kada isa nag tambayayongay kaya nato mubangon. May we all continue to share our light for the future of this town and its people. Let the fires of our light spread across the community as strong as the namesake of this town, Mainit.
You can do your part in the restoration of our beloved town. Join us and we can help rebuild Mainit hand in hand.